I'm an abstract artist based in Upstate New York. My art journey began when I started turning to abstract expressionism to better process my emotions and manage my overall mental health. I enjoy painting to express myself and tell a story through my art. Exploring my passion for painting has led me on a path to develop a deeper connection with my inner self and continue my journey of self discovery.

Art has enabled me to discover a deeper meaning for the world in which I exist. It empowers me to express my emotions and the parts of myself that are otherwise unexplainable. As an abstract expressionist and intuitive painter, I experiment with different textures and mediums to tell my story of the emotions I feel or have experienced. Each color and brush stroke represents specific emotions evoked during the moment of creation. I frequently take steps back during the process to observe my work from different perspectives and view the story as a whole. My intuition guides me through my next move as I play around with color and get lost in the process of painting.